lunes, mayo 01, 2006


This morning Fabiola knocked on my door to tell me her and Nick were off to the beach. Did I want to join? Hell. Yes.

Chile beaches are gorgeous. Small, rocky coasts scattered with brightly-colored painted boats and plants that belong to a cross between seaside/desert landscape. Having grown up in a place where the only brightly-colored things on the beaches were towels, swimsuits, and artificially-colored ice pops, I really appreciate this. What a pretty day. I collected a bunch of seaglass and we ate seafood at a place where the woman serving us was so sweet it made me sad at the fact I was leaving this country so soon. Nick and Fabiola also make me feel this way. They're such kind, creative, interesting people. Looking back at my social circles these past few years, people like that are one in a million.

The dogs came too. Boy did Tasha like swimming in the ocean. And Ziggy was so popular with all the little kids roaming about. I kept hearing "Que lindo el perro chiquitito!" Rough translation - "Dude, that little doggy is so cute!" She was loving the attention. What a dopey little doggy. She's adorable. I have to say, living with these two has completely changed the way I think about dogs. I rode in the backseat with them roaming about in the trunk, all 2 hours there and back. Not too long ago, I wouldn't have thought I could survive something like that without a panic attack. With these guys in the back of the car, I wasn't suffering from fear at all. But let me tell you, I was suffering from the stench. Big fat doggy fresh from the ocean smell? Yick!

I saw a baby seal. I took some pictures with Nick's camera and I will post them soon.

Quintay? That was the name of the beach.


Blogger BTExpress said...

Hello to you, the first visitor from Chile to my blog! I saw you lurking, but you never said hello, so I'm saying it first, HI!

10:16 p. m.  
Blogger LNR said...

Hiya! I just posted in your blog.

12:25 a. m.  

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